Linux Foundation Single Sign On (SSO) FAQ

Linux Foundation Single Sign On (SSO) FAQ

Overview of Single Sign On

To read the Single Sign On docs, go here: https://docs.linuxfoundation.org/lfx/sso

Why are we providing this service?

This service helps to secure your access to the service, whether it is registering for an event, posting to a mailing group, or accessing a community meeting or webinar. Many of the identity providers, for example, have two-factor authentication and are based on services you trust and are familiar with.

In addition to increasing security, it’s also increasing convenience. Since you are already using the identity provider for your common workflows, you have one less password to juggle, and can often sign in more quickly depending on the browser or client you are using.

How do I see emails associated with my SSO?

You can go to https://myprofile.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/

When you go to that page, you will be able to do the following:

  • See which email addresses are associated with your SSO

  • See the username for your SSO account

  • See which Identity Providers (IdPs) you have enabled

How can I change my login email?

Go to https://myprofile.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/ 

From left side navigation pane click the arrow to expand, and navigate to Profile > Basic Information.

Under Basic Information section, you can update the email address the "Star" next to the field shows the primary email address that you have provided while creating your Linux Foundation account. To add an alternate email address:

  • Click Add More.
  • Provide the email address, and click the save button next to the field.
  • Shows pending verification.
  • Navigate to the email address you have provided. Open the email that you received from The Linux Foundation: Email Verification, and click Verify Email.

  • Navigate back to My Profile window, and refresh the page.
  • You can click the star mark next to the alternate email address to make it primary.
  • You can click the cross mark next to an alternate email address to delete it.
    Note: You cannot delete the primary email address. You can have one primary email, and maximum 9 alternate email addresses.

How can I change my username?

A username cannot currently be changed. You will have to create a new account with a new username and new email. Then, you'll need to have support merge the old account into the new. https://jira.linuxfoundation.org/plugins/servlet/desk/portal/4/create/523 WARNING: Training and Certification purchases will NOT transfer to a new account, they are tied to the username.

Can you delete my SSO account?

We can now delete login accounts, please open a ticket with the account you would like to be deleted. (note: this method does not delete your personal data) https://jira.linuxfoundation.org/plugins/servlet/theme/portal/4/create/255

In case you would like to remove all your personal data from LFX, please follow our Privacy Policy Process https://linuxfoundation.org/privacy-policy/

How can I change which SSO I am logged into?

"I am logged into an application as one SSO username, but I want to be logged into a different SSO username. However, when I log out and back in, it logs me in as the same user without giving me a sign-in prompt."

This is because you still have a global single-sign-on (SSO) session. To completely log out of your SSO, browse to https://logout.linuxfoundation.org/ After that, you should see a full log-in prompt again which will allow you to log in with a different username or linked social identity.

**Please also note that using the above logout link will not destroy sessions in other web applications you may have previously logged into with your last SSO session - so you may be logged into different SSO on different sites.

Do you offer two factor authentication (2fa)?

Yes, we can enable 2fa for your account.  To do so, please log a ticket here: Get other LFX help.