Gerrit automatic reviewers not working

Gerrit automatic reviewers not working

If your Gerrit server has the reviewers plugin installed, your repo can be configured to automatically

add a Gerrit native group as reviewers when a new change is pushed.

Some projects like ONAP, have this plugin configured, but newly created repos do not get automatically configured.

#TODO - Would be nice to have this portion integrated into self repo creation

Step-by-step guide

Here is what to do to make sure automatic reviewers is well configured

  1. Go to the Gerrit project in question 
  2. Click on "Commands"
  3. Search for the Reviewers Config section and click on it
  4. If there is no filters, click "Add a new filter"
  5. The filter should be *
  6. Reviwer should be the matching SAML group for this repo "saml/onap-gerrit-<project>-committers" (This SAML group gets created as part of Self Repo Creation)
  7. Click save
  8. Now, search for the matching SAML group in Gerrit (Browse → Groups)
  9. Make sure owners is "Administrators"
  10. Make sure Visible is set to True. 

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