

What is Single Sign On (SSO)?

Linux Foundation provides a unified Single Sign-On service (SSO) to provide secure access and protect the identities of all its communities. Linux Foundation managed systems and services like Events Registration, Training and Certification, Jenkins, JIRA, Gerrit, Confluence, CommunityBridge (Funding, Mentorship, EasyCLA, INSIGHTS, Security) are already protected by this SSO service. Additional services to be covered in near future will include Zoom, Slack, and Groups.io .

To create an account, you need an email address. Create a username and password.

You can also create your account using 3rd party authentication service providers such as Google, GitHub, LinkedIn and Facebook.

How do I see emails associated with my SSO?

You can go to https://myprofile.linuxfoundation.org.

When you go to that page, you will be able to do the following:

  • See which email addresses are associated with your SSO

  • See the username for your SSO account

  • See which Identity Providers (IdPs) you have enabled

How do I use third party Identity Providers (IdPs)?

You can go through more detailed walk throughs of each provider here: https://docs.linuxfoundation.org/docs/sso/sign-in

How do I get additional support with my login?

If you are unable to login, you can use the "Contact Us" link on any login screen for support.

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