[Maven] Release a Maven project

[Maven] Release a Maven project

When a project wants to release their staging repository from a Nexus 2 and / or Maven Central repo. This document follows the release process used by the OpenDaylight project however applies to any projects using the global-jjb Maven Stage jobs to stage their release.

All releases need to be signed, make sure the Maven Stage job the project is using is configured to use Sigul for signing the built artifacts. If configured properly there should be *.asc files for every artifact being released in the staging repo.

Step-by-step guide

Before starting we should have the staging repository ID(s) that the project wishes to release. This should be provided by the requestor when they opened the request. They are in the form projectname-1234 for Nexus 2 staging repos and orgproject-1234 for Maven Central staging repositories.

  1. Login to Nexus 2
  2. Navigate to Staging Repositories
  3. Select the staging repository ID
  4. Click Release from the menu on top
  5. Enter a description such as "Releasing abctools 1.2.3"
  6. Click confirm
  7. Reply to the requestor and let them know they can complete the release following the instructions at https://docs.opendaylight.org/en/latest/release-process/project-release.html

If also releasing to Maven Central repeat the steps against the OSSRH Nexus system at https://oss.sonatype.org

After these steps are complete there are additional steps that must be completed by the requestor as documented in the project-release page, remind them to complete remaining steps.

Email Template


PROJECT 1.2.3 has been released via the project-1234 staging repo. Can now perform the remaining steps 2-6 from the Project Standalone Release docs [0] to complete the release.


[0] https://docs.opendaylight.org/en/latest/release-process/project-release.html
