Labelled content
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After clicking on Enroll Today for a free e-learning course, I got a blank / white page (Training & Certification Customer Support)
I can't login to the course resources or VMs (Training & Certification Customer Support)
Will I receive a digital badge for completion of an e-learning course? (Training & Certification Customer Support)
Will I receive a certificate or document indicating I completed an e-learning course? (Training & Certification Customer Support)
I completed an e-learning course, but now I can't access it (Training & Certification Customer Support)
I'm having issues with the course-player and can't view or navigate correctly (Training & Certification Customer Support)
My Progress isn't tracking correctly in the e-learning course... I can't get to 100% (Training & Certification Customer Support)
Do I get new versions of an e-learning course, even though I purchased a while ago? (Training & Certification Customer Support)
I found a typo/errata in an e-learning course (Training & Certification Customer Support)