Kubernetes CLA FAQ

Kubernetes CLA FAQ

This article is deprecated. Kubernetes is now using LFX EasyCLA

Where do I go to sign up?

How are organization/company CCLA's administered?

Organizations must fill out an organization contribution form which will prepare a Corporate Contributor License Agreement (CCLA) for electronic signature by email.

The person who completes this form will need a Linux Foundation ID, and they will have access to manage the authorized employee list for the CCLA, as well as add other managers. The CCLA will be sent for signature to the email specified in the form—it does not need to be signed by the same person completing the form, and the e-signer does not need a Linux Foundation ID!

After the person completes the above form, they should do one or both of the following:

- Under "Edit" tab, provide a corporate email domain that will allow employees to be covered by the CCLA if they validate their corporate email address.
- Under the "Manage group" tab, send email invitations to employees.

How do I sign up as an employee? It doesn't do anything.

First, one of the CCLA managers for your organization will need to add your corporate email address or send you an invite. If you do not know who in your company to talk to, please use the form at the bottom of the "contribute as employee" page.

Assuming your manager added your corporate email address, please update your profile and change and verify your work address, then follow the "contribute as employee" link. (Afterwards, you can change your email back.)

If you were invited to an organization, either as a manager or just an employee, you still need to follow the "contribute as employee" link to finalize the process.

I signed up with GitHub, so I don't have a password to enter when I attempt to change my LFID email address.

Please log out and use the "request new password" link to set a password.

I didn't get the email agreement to sign. How do I resend?

First, make sure you have visited https://identity.linuxfoundation.org/projects/cncf and clicked one of the links at the top of the page to contribute as either an individual or as an employee. This will send an email from HelloSign (to the email on file in your LFID profile) to complete the signing process.

If you have followed the link above and have not received your email, please contact us via https://support.linuxfoundation.org.

I made a mistake on the form and want to cancel and redo it

If you haven't signed it yet, please open a support ticket at support.linuxfoundation.org. (Once signed, we are not able to cancel it.)

I signed the ICLA with the wrong email, what do I do?

Despite what it may say in the Kubernetes documentation, neither the email on the ICLA (captured from you Linux Foundation ID profile when you signed) nor the current email on the profile matters for passing the CNCF CLA GitHub check.

For a PR to pass, each commit must pass this check: the Github user that the commit is attributed to (based on a match between the commit authorship and Github profile) must be linked to a Linux Foundation ID user (on the "social network logins" tab), who is authorized by a signed ICLA and/or a CCLA.

My pull request still doesn't pass!

If you haven't yet, post a comment ("I signed it") to the PR—this is needed for the system to recheck your contribution authorization.

Each commit in the pull request needs to pass. If you have commits that didn't attribute to a Github username, or to a different user that hasn't signed the CLA, that will fail that commit and all subsequent commits.

I can’t link GitHub to my LF Account.

You may have already linked your GitHub account to another LF Account. Try logging in at identity.linuxfoundation.org with your GitHub account.

If you have recently removed your GitHub from another LF Account and are hoping to link it to a new account, you may need to use the following link: https://identity.linuxfoundation.org/user/clear-provider-data and try again.

I can't remove my social media account from my LF Account.

You likely created your account through that social media account. You’ll need to add another additional social media account before you can try to remove the original one.

It asks me to create a new password at every login.

You might be trying to login with your email address instead of your username. When you go through the reset password procedure at https://identity.linuxfoundation.org/user/password, an email is sent to you with a link to reset your password. That email should be addressed to your username, so whatever is listed at the top of the email message would be your username. Please try logging in with your username instead and see if that clears up the issues you're experiencing.

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