Question: How do I get access to the Organization Dashboard?
Answer: You will gain access if you've associated need to be invited by someone in your organization as a "viewer" or an "admin" to access your organization's dashboard. You'll also need to 1) associate yourself with your Organization organization in your LF profile at and 2) add your organization's email address to your profile.
Question : Will Will the Project Program Team get notifications when a member updates their membership contacts on the Organization Dashboard?
Answer: Project Program Managers do not receive an email or notification when members make updates to their profiles.
Question: Will all employees of a member company have access to mark those benefits as “claimed” or will this access be limited to only the primary membership contact?
Answer: Yes all employees will have access if they have Linux Foundation Account Admins of the member company will have access.
Question: Recommended Projects You Might Be Interested In Joining section shows contributor or contributions to a project. What does this mean?
Answer: It means that a user who has associated themself with the organization and has contributed to that project with the organizations email. This information can be found in Insights
Question: Where does the data in the Organization Dashboard come from?
The data in Organization dashboard is coming from the Insights tool that is scanning project repos. The activities in these repos are associated with the 'identity' of the user who performed the action. Since a user may change their (for example) email addresses or name on their github accounts, and on the commits themselves, a single user may have a combination of multiple identities based upon what their email and name was (or any other identifying info) at the time of the activity.
These identities can be automatically merged into a single user by Insights when there are exact, verified matches with 100% confidence. If discrepancies are reported, then LF staff will manually review the identities to make sure they are associated with the correct user. In the case of maintainers, it is very important that we have the correct info for them and by showing the data on the Org Dashboard, users can help us by reporting missing data.
Question: How does one get a Maintainer label?
When someone has merged or closed pull request (The same Pull request should not be created by the same contributor), Then he/she will be called a maintainer in org dashboard.