1. Question: How do I get access to the Organization Dashboard?
Answer: You will gain access if you've associated yourself with your Organization in your profile at openprofile.dev.
Question : Will the Project Team get notifications when a member updates their membership contacts on the Organization Dashboard?
Answer: Project Managers do not receive an email or notification when members make updates to their profiles.
2. Question: Are we expecting the member contacts to go into their Organization Dashboard to manually check off when they have “claimed” a membership benefit?
Answer: The goal behind the “Claim” action is to make sure that our members are aware about the benefits and they know how to get the benefits. It is member self tracking, more than we as LFX team tracking the members.
3. Question: What about recurring benefits that are available quarterly/annually? Will those automatically be “unchecked”?
Answer: The benefits will rest based on the new membership agreements cycle, so it is yearly. Just keep in mind these are more to allow the members to engage with the platform and to self track the usage of the benefits, it is not to lock them from using any recurring benefits.
4. Question: Will all employees of a member company have access to mark those benefits as “claimed” or will this access be limited to only the primary membership contact?
Answer: Yes all employees will have access if they have Linux Foundation Account.